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​Here is a description of the route from registration to closure of a trajectory, so that you can get an impression of how this works.


Waiting time

There is currently no waiting time, you can start directly (last update June 2, 2022).



You will consult with your GP and if you agree that care within the general basic mental healthcare is indicated, you will receive a referral letter. You can register via this website via the contact form. I will then contact you to go over some practical and substantive things with you to see if you have come to the right place. If that is the case, we will schedule an intake interview and you will receive a confirmation and practical information by e-mail. I will also send you a questionnaire to determine in which areas you experience complaints (the so-called baseline measurement) and to objectify what changes you hopefully experience in this process. By also completing the questionnaire at the end of the process.  


Intake and second interview

This conversation lasts 45 to 60 minutes and is intended to make an overview of what brings you to me. What you run into and what is directly and indirectly related to this. Leave it to me to structure this, I'll ask you a lot of questions and we'll sort things out. Based on this, we can determine whether you have indeed come to the right place with me. If that is the case, we will make a follow-up appointment. With what, how, how often and for how long; we determine that on the basis of our first conversation. In the second meeting, we briefly review the questionnaire results, determine the treatment goals and immediately get to work. If we come to the conclusion that you need other care, for example, then the contact up to and including the intake interview will be declared and I can think along with you about what kind of care is needed.


After determining the treatment goals, you will receive a copy of the agreement in which goals and agreements are laid down. During the treatment we evaluate regularly, maintain a clear focus and adjust the goals where necessary. It is important that you know what you are working towards and that you notice results in practice. We can also determine during the process whether it is sufficient or whether other care is required, for example. I then actively think along with you in this. If you'd like and we think it might make sense, we can include a significant other like your partner or a close friend in the treatment. If you give permission for this, your GP will receive a message at the start and at the completion of the process. If I need to contact your GP during the process, this is possible and we will discuss this together. It is also possible that, for example, an occupational health doctor wants to request information. If that is the case, the content will first be discussed with you and you give explicit permission for this. For written information, the national NZA rate is 91.78 euros (NZA stands for Dutch Healthcare Authority). 


Prior to the last conversation, you fill in the list of complaints again, supplemented with an evaluation list about the treatment and how you experienced me as a practitioner. In the last meeting, we go through the results based on the complaints list and evaluate the process based on your request for help in the first meeting, among other things. We look at which elements of the treatment have been meaningful, what change you have made, what has contributed to this, how you can sustain this and which important others you can involve. Where necessary, we also pay attention to the timely identification of possible complaints and the prevention of relapse. In addition to the fact that it can of course also be quite exciting, I think it is important that upon completion you have the confidence that you have received sufficient tools to be able to continue it independently from here. Your GP will be notified of the conclusion and the treatment will then be declared by me (in the case of a contract with your health insurance) or by you. We do not assume this, of course, but if complaints gradually return after closure, you can of course contact me - in consultation with your doctor - and we can see if and what is needed.


Missed session

It is important that you cancel an appointment more than 24 hours in advance. If you unexpectedly cancel an appointment within 24 hours, this will cost you 95 euros. This amount is not reimbursed by your health insurer and you must therefore pay it yourself. 

Online sessions

I prefer to meet in person, but sometimes it can be more convenient to meet online. For example, if you have a cold, a long travel time or if it is difficult to combine a live meeting with your study or work schedule. Fortunately, during the lockdowns I was able to gain extensive experience in this and so a form of therapy such as EMDR can be offered online where necessary. 


Fee and costs

From 2022, there will be a new funding  for the GGZ;  the care performance model (zorgprestatiemodel). The foundation of the care performance model consists of performance. These performances are recognizable for everyone and they reflect the care actually provided.  There is faster insight into the costs for both client and practitioner. You no longer have to wait until the end of a route, because the performance is no longer linked to a longer route, but to a day. Billing will be done monthly.

Care within the general basic GGZ is covered by your basic insurance if there is a diagnosis that is reimbursed. It invokes the annual deductible (in 2022 this will be 385 euros unless you have opted for a voluntary higher risk). Depending on where and how you are insured, you will receive a partial or full reimbursement. With a reimbursement policy you generally have a free choice of care and care is fully reimbursed. Below you will find an overview of the health insurers with whom I have chosen to enter into a contract and the labels that fall below.


Health insurers      Labels

Achmea                     Zilveren Kruis, FBTO, De Friesland, Prolife, ZieZO, Interpolis, Studenten Goed Verzekerd 
ASR                            ASR basis ziektekostenverzekering en Ditzo
DSW                           DSW, Stad Holland, inTwente

ONVZ                         ONVZ, VvAA, jaaah.

Reimbursement is often also possible for OOM insurance, AON and foreign health insurance. Discuss this with your health insurer prior to treatment so that you know where you stand. 

If it concerns non-contracted care, you will receive an invoice from your practitioner, which you can then submit to your health insurer. You will then be reimbursed a part. Before the treatment, you should be informed by your health insurer about which part you will be reimbursed. You can see exactly when and by whom you were treated and for how long on the bill. You receive the bills from your practitioner on the basis of health care services and the health insurer will therefore reimburse care services. If your deductible has to be addressed, this is also done on the basis of care performance.
In the independent setting, these are the care services that you can find on the bill:
• diagnosis consultation: during diagnosis, your practitioner examines what is wrong with you, what problems you have;
• consultation treatment: during treatment you will talk to your practitioner with the aim of making your problem manageable;
• peer consultation: if your practitioner considers it necessary for your treatment to consult with an external colleague;

The prices are in line with the care you have received. The rates are set nationally by the Dutch Healthcare Authority. Factors such as the profession of the person performing the treatment, the duration of each consultation, the place where the care is provided (the rates for independent mental health care are different and often lower than the rates for mental health care in an institution), all factor into determining the price for the care provided. Below are services for uncontracted care to give an impression.


code CO0562, Gz-psycholoog, Diagnostics 60 minutes, €173,40

code CO0497, Gz-psycholoog, Treatment 45 minutes, € 128,40

code CO0627, Gz-psycholoog, Treatment 60 minutes, € 152,50

From 1 January 2022, the deductible for mental health care per calendar year will be used. This is a political choice. This has been happening for a long time with other forms of care. The moment a treatment process exceeds the limit of the calendar year, you pay the deductible for both years.


Care demand typing (Zorgvraagtypering)
Every client is unique. But different clients do have common characteristics. A diagnosis must be made, but says little about how much care someone needs. The type of care demand is a classification of groups of clients on the basis of the amount and seriousness of their complaints and problems.
In independent practice, clients are mainly treated with care demand types 1 to 8. The care demand types 1 to 4 are treated in general basic mental health care (care demand types 5 to 8 in specialized mental health care).
The care demand typing is done by the practitioner. A questionnaire is used for this, called HoNOS+. This questionnaire is completed by the practitioner himself on the basis of the client's complaints and problems.
Based on the answers to the HoNOS+, the practitioner determines which type of care question best suits your complaints and problems. This provides information about the expected treatment effort and this must also be stated on the invoice for the treatment.
The type of care demand is not the same as the treatment plan. The treatment plan shows which treatment is agreed with you on the basis of your diagnosis and the goals that you agree with the practitioner. During the treatment, your practitioner will administer the HoNOS+ again during an evaluation. Based on this, it will be determined what the result of the treatment has been and whether, for example, other care is needed. 

Complaints procedure and regulations

Of course I prefer to prevent a complaint from arising and I am happy to resolve it together. Through good communication and accessible contact and by being open to feedback. In the unlikely event that something else is needed, it is good to know that you can contact the complaints officer and disputes committee of the professional association to which I am affiliated, via -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

As a GZ psychologist I work according to the laws drawn up for healthcare and the professional codes and guidelines drawn up by the professional associations to which I am affiliated. For example, I work according to the Clients' Complaints Act (WKCZ). 

Privacy declaration

All data related to your treatment is stored and managed according to the guidelines of the general data protection regulation. I have professional secrecy and the exchange of data with third parties is therefore subject to strict restrictive conditions, also prescribed by the Professional Code, including in the first place your written consent and your right to information. You are informed about the rights with regard to your personal data, the purpose of the processing of personal data and if special operations are performed with the personal data.  Client data is only used for the purpose for which the data is stored and kept safe from unauthorized access by appropriate measures. Client data is not shared with third parties unless necessary for the storage purpose. No personal data is provided to other persons and/or parties who are not directly involved in the treatment agreement (or other services provided by the practice) unless the client (and/or his legal representatives) or other person about whom personal data has been recorded for this purpose. gives permission or there is a legal requirement or principle of health law. Client data is not kept for longer than is necessary based on the storage purpose of the data.

Quality statute

By clicking on the button on the left you will find my most recently approved quality charter.

© 2021 Gül Psychology | Design: Gülsüm | Images: Marnix de Stigter

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